Tanner's greeting

Join me on my journey as I grow to become part of my pack/family. We'll have a lot of fun along the way! Hopefully, I can make you laugh.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sun Puddling Sunday

I am planning a quiet, peaceful day.

Doggy kisses,


  1. Looks like our house this rainy day in California. Lots of napping time....

  2. Dear Tanner,

    Hope you were able to have a wonderful rest with lots of sweet dreams! Your photo with Santa was adorable. You have really grown into a very beautiful dog.

    Wanted to stop by to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas filled with much love, happiness, and good cheer! And may the spirit of Christmas bless you and yours throughout the year!


    FurAngel Suka and K

  3. Tanner, you have a great day ahead of you. Some peace and quiet is what the doctor ordered. We hope you enjoyed the beautiful sunshine. Thanks for sharing the sweet photo. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
    World of Animals
