Tanner's greeting

Join me on my journey as I grow to become part of my pack/family. We'll have a lot of fun along the way! Hopefully, I can make you laugh.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mommy's Boo Boo

Hi Everyone:

Sorry I have been quite lately.  Actually, I have been pretty busy.  The sun is out and the weather is warm.  Mommy's bead muse is working overtime and we have been having a great time.

But I wanted to drop by and tell you a new story today. 

Many of you know that Mommy and I share a birthday.  That is something we think is really special.  But now, we also share a nick name.  Mommy gave me mine and I gave it back to her yesterday.

Many of you will remember that back in January, I was attacked by another doggy.  If you don't you can check it out here.

Well, while I was recovering, Mommy started to call me "Boo-boo".  It seemed to fit and she still calls me that today.

Yesterday, I started calling her "Boo Boo 2".

It all started when we were out for our morning play time.  Mommy was throwing the ball just like she always does.

And I was catching.

Then... I missed.

The ball rolled across the grass and both Mommy and I went after it.  I got it first and lifted my head

Right into Mommy's eye.

Mommy says it doesn't hurt.  It just feels heavy.  She is looking for a good pair of sunglasses (whatever those are).

Doggy Kisses,


  1. Oh dear! That is a boo-boo 2! I had the same thing happen with Fred except it was my nose he hit! Hope it heals up soon!

  2. Oh Tanner....hope momma is ok. Mom punched her own self in the face the other day, BOL. She was pulling her blanket and it slipped out of her hand
    Benny & Lily

  3. OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that is a good one!!! why not get some eye shadow that matches and do the other eye :) xxx dogs have such hard heads done they xxx

  4. 'I swear I just walked into the door...'

    Dogs are so dumb sometimes :)

  5. Ouch! :( Those golden heads ARE pretty hard. :(

  6. Heh, I have a pretty hard head too, but thankfully I've never given a black eye. I'm sure you feel terrible, Tanner. Give extra woofs & hugs to your mommy! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend! :)

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  7. hey Tanner,

    Ouch! Your poor mommy! I have been told us doggies are pretty hard headed! BOL!

    Her poor eye. Hope it heals quickly, and glad it is not painful. Boo Boo 2 is a great nickname! Very clever! :->

